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A message from the CEO

Recently our website was “under construction” as we considered how or if we would follow the recommendation to “scrub” our online presence of words that reflect our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). When looking at an informal list of 100+ “bad” words and comparing those to our website, we realized that substituting neutral words for the “banned” words was impossible. Our very mission statement contained 3 of those words that would flag us as actively supporting DEI.

We took a minute. Took a breath. And realized that EVERYTHING WE DO AND BELIEVE IN IS ROOTED IN DIVERSITY, EQUITY, and INCLUSION. Therefore, we have elected to put our website back up exactly as it was before, adding this firm commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion on our front page.

Advancing Connecticut Together supports and stands shoulder-to-shoulder with all those who do the work toward Diversity, Equity, Inclusion with Liberty and Justice for All. (and by “All” we mean ALL.)

Our Mission: Advancing Connecticut Together (ACT), with its partners, addresses the root causes of poverty, addiction and health inequities through strength-based services and advocacy to ensure all people in Connecticut have equitable resources necessary to achieve multi-generational health, wealth and happiness. Our Vision: We see a future whereby our neighbors thrive in an equitable society.


Asset Building (formerly CAHS)

Empowering people in Connecticut to build a secure future and achieve financial independence.

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Care Services (formerly AIDS CT)

High-quality systems and services dedicated to improving quality of life for disadvantaged populations.

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Harm Reduction (formerly CFHR)

Community education on overdose prevention, syringe services, and sexual health practices.

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How you can help


Don't miss Art for ACT on Saturday, June 7, 2025, at ArtSpace Hartford.


Support our mission by making a direct donation online via PayPal Giving Fund.


We are always looking for dedicated and talented volunteers!


ACT has many opportunities for sponsors, including in-kind and monetary sponsorship.

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